setembro 05, 2015

4 Way To Earn Money Using Tumblr

Do you know that you can make money while using Tumblr? Yes, this is a great way to monetize your blogs and at the same time, do what makes you happy! It is an irresistible treat for Tumblr bloggers.
Of course, it comes with a great effort to really earn a considerable amount of money. In fact, to be blunt about it, you might not feel any income coming in for the first 3-6 months.
But when you have written enough quality blogs or content and effectively build up you Tumblr site, there is no doubt that your profit will continually increase as you continue.
So what I’m going to do now is to enumerate effective ways on how to make money from blogging using Tumblr. Hopefully after reading this, a new spirit of motivation will set in and you can see blogging in a different light.

1. Build your audience
I mention this as the first tip because this will be your foundation in making money on Tumblr.
It doesn’t mean that if you have 1,000 visitors, you will have 1,000 people clicking the ads on your page. It is estimated that in every 1000 viewer, there will be 10 percent of that figure, which will click your ads.
Thus, if you will be paid for $0.05 per click, then 100 people clicking your website will convert to $5. If you do the math, in order for you to have $50, you need 50,000 views.
Of course, this is a hypothetical scenario and by mentioning this, you will have a general idea why building your audience is very important! PPC, when combined with other earning strategies, will help you earn more.
So, before you start thinking of affiliating with various companies, you must make your website worthy of their payment.

2. Use Ads
This is the most common way to convert your blogs into money. The most popular business partners when it comes to ads are:
Google Adsense is maybe the most popular among these affiliates because they pay you per click on the ads placed in your page. Not to mention they are the biggest search engine in the World Wide Web.
As this might be the case, Adsense has many stringent requirements that can be burdensome to starting blog-for-money people. So it will good to consider other options as well.
BidVertiser’s minimum payout is $10 compared to Adsense’s $100.

3. Affliate programs
Affiliate program is like helping online stores or shopping websites to sell their products and in return, they will pay you 4-5% percent of the selling price of the product.
It’s a win-win situation. The most popular affiliate program available today is provided by Amazon.
I personally use Amazon affiliate program along with Google Adsense and they are pretty good ways to earn some extra cash especially if your blog will convince readers to buy the product advertised in your blog page. Other affiliate program that you may use is Linkshare, ShareASale, and

4. Shrink URL
By adding URL or link to other sites may be helpful in making money through blogging. Once a sponsored link is clicked, it will automatically equate to an earning.
Two of the most popular companies that provide such services are and Both of these companies pay $4 for 1000 clicks made on your URLs. Minimum payout is $10.
At this point, it is worth mentioning that is a scam. It has become very popular lately because of the supposed big amount of payout.
But only to find out later that it is a complete waste of time as when you will finally complete the minimum payout, they will not respond to you anymore. So don’t even bother to try

 Additional Way: Instagc, click here for more info. 

more info: here

Instagc earn money

Se você for brasileiro, leia em português clicando aqui.

his guide will give you a jump start to earning your free gift cards or money in no time.  this information was copied from instagc site

How does instaGC work?

To get free gift cards for your favorite stores, you need to collect points. While there are endless ways to earn points, it can seem overwhelming. This guide will simply explain how you can get the most out of instaGC.
The current possible ways to earn points are watching videos, listening to an online radio, visiting sites, testing apps or games, shopping, filling out surveys, and completing general tasks. We are continuously adding new possible ways to earn as well. You can view all of these on the earn page.
Once you've completed these jobs, you will be rewarded with points that can be used towards your next gift card.

instaGC point system

If you look above you will quickly be able to understand how the instaGC point system works. For every one point you will have one cent. It's pretty simple and easy to get used to.
Our instant gift cards range from $1 to $250 and new gift cards are always being added upon request. If you don't see the gift card you like, request it and we might just add it.

How long will it take to earn

The amount of points you can earn depends on how much time and effort you put into your goals. You can easily earn up to 100 points or more every day just by completing certain offers. Some members even earn up to 500 to 2,000 points daily! All it takes is patience and a willing mindset.
If you are having trouble receiving points for offers you complete, you can read our guide on completing offers for advice and tips.

Where to start

The main idea here is to earn points by completing offers and tasks that we provide. As mentioned before, there are many different ways to earn points. Find the easiest way to make your points and you'll get a free instant gift card in no time.
Visit the earn page.

agosto 30, 2015

Instagc dá dinheiro?

 Se dá ou não dinheiro irei descobrir e assim que descobrir postarei aqui neste blog, por enquanto meu compromisso é explicar para você o que é e como ele funciona.
  • O instagc é um site de Surveys, o que isso significa? Significa que é um site de questionários de pesquisa, ou seja, não é uma possibilidade de ficar rico fazendo pouca coisa, mas, por outro lado se consegue tirar por mês de uns 100,00 a 200,00 U$.
  • Não vou mentir para você, há também como receber dinheiro através de indicação, ou seja, se você se inscrever no instagc por este link, você irá me ajudar, mas se fosse para colocar em dinheiro, seria o equivalente a mais ou menos 10 centavos. Se você tiver afim de conhecer o Instagc se inscreva pelo meu link, por estar sendo sincero com você :).

Se quiser saber mais sobre o instagc clique aqui.